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Ecommerce revenue and attribution tracking

You can assign dynamic monetary values to custom event - goals to track revenue attribution. Revenue attribution helps you determine which marketing campaigns and landing pages result in the most revenue for your business or ecommerce store. Learn more here.

When you create a new custom event, you can now optionally assign a monetary value to it. Our revenue tracking supports multi-currencies too. You can send data in any local currency that the purchase is made in. When using revenue tracking, you'll be able to see these metrics in your dashboard:

  • Unique conversions
  • Total conversions
  • Conversion rate
  • Total revenue
  • Average revenue
Ecommerce revenue goal top graph

The revenue metrics are fully filterable. For instance, you can see the total or average revenue for a particular custom event per any dimension such as a specific date, referral source, marketing campaign, entry page, country or device.

You can add multiple filters to create audience segments too. This allows you to see the conversions and revenue from for instance the audience segment that's located in Germany, Austria and Switzerland, that were referred by a particular UTM campaign and are using Mac OS.

Here's how to send revenue alongside custom events:

1. Change the Plausible snippet on your site

Please change the file name in the src attribute of your Plausible snippet from script.js to script.revenue.js. It should look like this:

<script defer data-domain="" src=""></script>

Or if you're using a proxy:

<script defer data-domain="" src=""></script>
You can combine script extensions

If you're using any of our other script extensions, you can combine them by changing the src attribute in the snippet. If you want to track revenue goals and outbound link clicks simultaneously, change the script name to script.revenue.outbound-links.js

2. Add a new custom event and specify the currency of your choice

Go to your site settings and in the "Goals" section click on the "Add goal" button. Choose "Custom event" as the goal trigger, enter the goal name in the "Event name" field, switch to "Enable Revenue Tracking" and set the base currency of your choice. This currency will be used for total and average revenue metrics in the dashboard. Note that the currency for a specific event cannot be changed later.

Add goal and choose your currency

3. Start sending the revenue data from your site

You can now start sending revenue data from your site alongside custom events. You can send the revenue data in the currency that the purchase was made in too and we'll convert it to your goal's base currency.

How to send revenue data depends on the way you've set up custom events. You can either use the CSS class name approach:

<button class="plausible-event-name=Purchase plausible-revenue-amount=10.29 plausible-revenue-currency=EUR"></button>
Using the CSS class name approach for custom events?

You should change the file name in the src attribute of your Plausible snippet to script.revenue.tagged-events.js

Or the JavaScript function approach:

window.plausible("goal name", {revenue: {currency: "USD", amount: 10.29}})

Or using the Events API directly.

Custom events and revenue goals are listed at the bottom of your dashboard and will appear as soon as the first conversion has been tracked.

Ecommerce revenue tracking goal
You can add more details to your revenue tracking by using custom properties

This lets you track order IDs, coupon codes, if customers are logged in and more. Learn more

Integrating with Shopify

If you're using Shopify, you can track sales by making a few changes to the order status page.

  1. Integrate the regular Plausible snippet into your Shopify store to start counting stats
  2. To start tracking revenue stats, go to your Shopify admin page, click on Settings > Checkout > Order status page
  3. Add the following code to 'Additional scripts'. Don't forget to replace and Purchase with the goal name you created
  4. Click 'Save' and you're done!
{% if first_time_accessed == true and post_purchase_page_accessed == false %}
<script data-domain="" src=""></script>
const amount = "{{ total_price | money_without_currency | replace:',','.' }}"
const currency = "{{ currency }}"
window.plausible("Purchase", {revenue: {amount: amount, currency: currency}})
{% endif %}

You're now getting events on Plausible when a customer completes an order in your Shopify store.

If you want to track custom properties, such as order IDs or the number of items in an order, here's an example to get you started:

{% if first_time_accessed == true and post_purchase_page_accessed == false %}
<script data-domain="" src=""></script>
const amount = "{{ total_price | money_without_currency | replace:',','.' }}"
const currency = "{{ currency }}"

const orderId = "{{ order_number }}"
const itemCount = {{ item_count }}

window.plausible("Purchase", {
revenue: {amount: amount, currency: currency},
props: {orderId: orderId, itemCount: itemCount}
{% endif %}

Integrating with WooCommerce

If you're using WooCommerce, you can track sales by making a few changes to the checkout thank you page. The following instructions use the Code Snippets plugin to add the custom script. If you are an advanced user of Wordpress and don't want to install plugins, you can add this same code to your child theme’s functions.php file.

  1. Integrate the regular Plausible snippet into your WordPress site to start counting stats. You can use our plugin for this
  2. Install the Code Snippets plugin on your Wordpress site
  3. In the Wordpress admin panel, click on Snippets > Add New
  4. In the code field, select PHP and paste the code provided below. Don't forget to replace and Purchase with the goal name you created
  5. Click 'Save changes and activate' and you're done!
add_action( 'woocommerce_thankyou', 'plausible_revenue_tracking' );

function plausible_revenue_tracking( $order_id ) {
$order = wc_get_order( $order_id );
<script data-domain="" src=""></script>
const amount = "<?php echo $order->get_total(); ?>"
const currency = "<?php echo $order->get_currency(); ?>"
window.plausible("Purchase", {revenue: {amount: amount, currency: currency}})

You're now getting events on Plausible when a customer completes an order in your WooCommerce store.

If you want to track custom properties, such as order IDs or the number of items in an order, here's an example to get you started:

add_action( 'woocommerce_thankyou', 'plausible_revenue_tracking' );

function plausible_revenue_tracking( $order_id ) {
$order = wc_get_order( $order_id );
<script data-domain="" src=""></script>
const amount = "<?php echo $order->get_total(); ?>"
const currency = "<?php echo $order->get_currency(); ?>"

const orderId = "<?php echo $order->get_id(); ?>"
const itemCount = <?php echo $order->get_item_count(); ?>

window.plausible("Purchase", {
revenue: {amount: amount, currency: currency},
props: {orderId: orderId, itemCount: itemCount}

Integrating with Magento

There's a third-party Plausible plugin for Magento that supports custom events and revenue goals tracking. Take a look.